The Call For Change Summit - devcom's Diversity Activity
By Nico Balletta, Head of Program at devcom Developers Conference on 18/02/2021
What is devcom and the Call for Change Summit?
devcom is gamescom’s official game developer conference, which takes place every August – currently, of course, everything we do is happening online. The Call for Change Summit – focusing on diversity, inclusion, and accessibility – is the first in a series of quarterly side-events. And what better way to kick-off the new year by tackling a topic that is very dear to all our hearts?!

Our Hopes for the Summit
Our goal is to bring together people who share the same vision of making the games industry and our societies around the world as a whole a better place for everyone; and that can only happen if no one is left behind. That being said, we – unfortunately – don’t really expect people to attend, who don’t already care about this topic, which makes it even more important to inspire, support, and educate those who do!
Why do it?
If we want to change for the better, we all need to constantly learn from each other. Our wish is to bring like-minded people together not only to engage in fruitful discussions and inspire each other, but – most of all – share (ideally) practical experiences and ideas with those who’d like to do their part but maybe simply don’t know where and how to start.
Just working on this summit and meeting all these wonderful people from all over the world and learning about their work was inspiring in itself, and we can only hope that our speakers and attendees will feel the same way during and after the event. One thing’s for sure: the Call for Change Summit won’t be a one-off!
The Impact we hope it will have or already has!
It might be a comparatively small event, and it might feel like a drop in the ocean to many but as long as those who attend the summit can take away something from it, work on that and do their own bit, and at some point even pass on their knowledge to future generations, I think we’re on the right track. Impactful change doesn’t come easily, and it never happens over-night. It’s a long and ongoing journey, and as they say: there’s no journey without a first step, no matter how small that step may be.
If you are interested in the summit, sign-up now!