Pledge Partner Case Study - Sports Interactive
By The Editor on 30/01/2020
RaiseTheGame is all about collaboration and learning from each other - our pledge partner case studies show how other games businesses are improving diversity and inclusion in their businesses.

Sports Interactive is proud to be a diverse and inclusive studio with over 20 nationalities working in our East London offices. Our studio has a number of team member steering groups including Women@SI, BAME@SI, PACE and SI Social Club who organise events and advise leadership on initiatives and suggestions for office working practices/environment.
We support a range of initiatives to promote social mobility from our local areas (Hackney, Tower Hamlets and other London boroughs) including work shadowing (20 placements in 2019 include 3 placed by the Mayor of London’s Aspiration Access programme), promoting awareness of roles at Raise Your Game and Hackney Marshes Football Symposium, sponsoring a further education bursary with ELAM and many other activities. We are piloting a first joint-funded internship supporting local NEETs with FilmLondon starting January 2020.
Our recruitment process checks for gender neutral language in job descriptions/recruitment ads; female applications are favoured for interview stages to ensure more face-to-face opportunities. We provide unconscious bias training to team members.