Games Education Summit 2022
By The Games Education Summit Organisers Team on 21/03/2022
The UK games industry is facing a major talent shortage, with Ukie recently reporting that some 2,000 roles need to be filled.
So where will the UK’s games studios find that talent, now and in the future?
How can the UK Games Industry tackle its massive talent shortage?
Educators at Further and Higher Education levels clearly have an important role to play in helping maintain a flow of well-trained games talent into entry level jobs and over 7,000 videogames degree students are expected to graduate in 2022.
But how are studios, universities and educators working together to ensure graduates are fully prepared for a career in games in 2022 and beyond? And what are the roles that studios are finding particularly hard to fill?
Earlier this year, 29% of UK employees reported they want to change jobs, so how will this ‘Great Resignation’ impact games companies and how are studios and educational institutions changing their working practices to offer genuine flexible working and learning environments?
And as wellbeing and a better work/life balance become ever-more important to individuals, what can studios and education do to better support their staff and students?
These are the key issues currently facing games and education – and will be tackled head on at the upcoming Games Education Summit (April 21st-22nd, Sheffield Hallam University).

The Games Education Summit will see studios and education discuss how we can bring through the next generation of games professionals – and support them on their career journeys.
Speakers and panellists from the UK’s leading studios, universities and further education organisations will come together to discuss and debate how the UK’s games industry can shore up its talent pipeline and support students and employees. Speakers include:
- Aurore Dimopoulos, Unity
- Charlie Hargood, Bournemouth University
- Chris Windmill, University of Derby
- Dan Dudley, Grads in Games
- Dom Shaw, Ukie
- Doug Brown, Falmouth University
- Finlay Pearston, Abertay University
- Gina Jackson, Next Gen Skills Academy
- Ian Goodall, Aardvark Swift
- Jake Habgood, Sumo Digital
- James Butcher, Epic
- Jayne Morgan, Exient
- Jess Gaskell, Media Molecule
- Karen Hedger, AIM Group
- Leon Killin, Sumo Digital
- Liz Prince, Amiqus
- Liz Wright, No More Robots
- Marcia Deakin, Next Gen Skills Academy
- Maria Stukoff, University of Salford
- Matt Wilson, Cloud Imperium
- Peter Howell, Portsmouth University
- Rick Gibson, BGI
- Rosie Taylor, Safe In Our World
- Tamsin O’Luanaigh, nDreams
- Victoria Zamperoni, Mental Health Foundation
Tickets for the Summit are priced at just £125. As well as enjoying two days of thought-provoking and inspirational talks, delegates will also have plenty of opportunity for networking. They are also invited to attend the National Videogames Museum on the evening of April 21st where the Grads In Games Awards will be presented.
Students are welcome to attend for free.
Want to watch last year’s Games Education Summit talks? Watch them below: